- The conference is an in-person (on-location) event only—no remote sessions.
- You can create a session and refine it based on peer feedback.
- Sessions are possible with a maximum of 2 presenters. Any co-presenter must be known and defined in the system before the call for sessions closes.
- Submitting a session proposal and peer review will happen via Easy Chair Tool. We recommend you create a profile in the tool.

See the information and link below to the call for sessions.
Presentation Coaching
Are you a first-time presenter? Would you like to do a dry run of your talk? We can help you post confirmation of the talk. Contact us at help@tryscrum.com for more info.
- Business agility
- AI & Leadership agility
- AI & Product agility
- AI and Technical agility
- AI & Strategic agility
- Other – Topic of your choice
Session types & timings
- Two Parallel track sessions post keynote
- Interactive talk (Max 45 mins)
- Max 45 mins, including Q&A
Session criteria
You can create a session and refine it based on peer feedback.
To be eligible for selection in the conference program, we expect you to:
- Create a session with all details filled in (this includes a Short description, Full description, Outline, or timetable, and Extra information)
- Reply to feedback given to your sessions, and keep refining your session based on these comments.
- Indicate clearly in the extra information if you have delivered this session before or not at other conferences.
Remember the following review criteria, and remember that the best way to get to a high-quality session is by trying it out and improving based on honest feedback.
- Who will be interested in this topic? Would you go to this session?
- Is the description clear and inviting? Will it attract its intended audience?
- What value will this session bring to participants and organizers?
- Why is this subject relevant to Scrum, Agile, Business Agility & beyond?
- How does this session fit the conference?
- What’s innovative and unusual about the session? Topic, format.
- Does the session also address why things (don’t) work, and not just ‘what’ and ‘how’?
- Is the session structured so that its objectives can be reached?
- Is the timetable realistic?
- How does the session format facilitate learning?
- What are the expected results and outputs? Can these be communicated to people who were not at the session?
- We are looking for real-time experience, challenges, and success stories(of course, failures too).
Session selection
We strive to make the process open and transparent by involving the community. There’s, however, no such thing as a completely objective selection process. As a program committee, we will also apply some other criteria:
- Diversity of presenters; balance between experienced and new presenters; presenters from different countries; presenters of other gender
- Diversity of session formats
- Diversity of topic
- Diversity of prerequisite knowledge or experience needed from the participants
- The balance between real-world experiences, tools & techniques, innovative ideas
Submitting a session
After reading the information above, submit the proposal using the Easy Chair tool. Ensure you create an account and verify your email address in the activation mail after creating a new account (check your spam folder!). Follow up on reviews you receive from reviewers and refine your session.
The call for speaker deadline is over. But feel free to submit your proposal. In case of any dropout, we will consider your proposal.
RSG 2024 – Bengaluru – Review Team